Draft agenda:
- Selection of a counting commission.
- Election of governing bodies of the meeting.
- Obtaining a loan in the form of an overdraft in the Public Joint-Stock Company “State Export-Import Bank of Ukraine” in the person of the branch of JSC “Ukreximbank” in Khmelnitsky in the amount of 3 300 000,00 (three million three hundred thousand) UAH. for a period of 12 months.
- Transfer to UkrEXIMBank of the goods in circulation owned by PJSC “Derazhnyanskiy Dairy Plant” (peanut butter, sweetened 72,5%, cheese, hardcoded) with a total market value of up to 10 000 000,00 (ten million) hryvnias.
- Granting authority to the Chairman of the Board of the Company for the conclusion (signing) of the necessary legal acts.
- Provision of a preliminary agreement on the conclusion of significant transactions for the period up to May 1, 2018.
Shareholders can get acquainted with the materials on agenda items at the locations of the company, during the working hours of the accounting office. Responsible person – Korchova MV For participation of shareholders (their representatives) in the general meeting, it is necessary to have a document certifying the identity, and representatives of shareholders – a certified power of attorney. Information can be obtained from the tel. 03856 2-10-81, 2-11-56.
The draft decisions on the issues of the agenda can be found on the website of the company at: www.dmz.ua.
The announcement of the general meeting was published in “Information from the National Commission on Securities and Stock Market” No. 168 dated 06.09.2017.
Proposals for draft resolutions on agenda issues of Shareholders’ Meeting of the Private Joint-Stock Company “Derazhnyansky Dairy Plant”:
- On the election of a counting commission, governing bodies and approval of the rules of work of the general meeting of shareholders. To entrust the functions of the counting commission to the depositary institution – LLC “FC” Center-Invest “.
- To appoint the chairman of the meeting Lemeshchuk O.V., secretary – Korchov MV.Approve the proposed rules of work of the meeting.
- To receive the Derazhnya Dairy Plant OJSC a loan in the form of an overdraft in the Public Joint-Stock Company “State Export-Import Bank of Ukraine” in the person of the branch of JSC “Ukreximbank” in Khmelnitsky in the amount of 3 300 000,00 (three million three hundred thousand) UAH. for a period of 12 months, by concluding a loan agreement / additional agreements to existing loan agreements concluded with JSC “Ukreximbank”.
- In order to ensure fulfillment of the obligations of the Company under the loan agreement, transfer the property of the Company to the pledge of JSC Ukreximbank, namely, goods in circulation (peanut butter peanut sweetener 72.5%, cottage cheese) with a total market value of up to 10,000,000.00 ( ten million) hryvnias
- Authorize the Chairman of the Board Valery Stanislavovich Yaglinsky (with the right to assign) to conclude (sign) on the above conditions loan agreements, any supplements and additional agreements / agreements with them, with the right to independently determine all conditions of these transactions within the amounts and terms / terms defined this decision (including, to determine the size of interest rates, commissions, payments and other conditions of these agreements / agreements), to conclude (sign) contracts of pledge and surety, any annexes and additional agreements / agreements to them, as well as all other transactions related to the implementation of this decision (including, but not limited to, insurance contracts, agreements on appraisal of property / property rights / review of reports on valuation of property / property rights), as well as the signing of any other documents, with the execution of this decision, to certify copies of all documents originating from the Company.
- To give preliminary consent to the conclusion of loan agreements, collateral agreements, contracts for the purchase of natural gas, contracts for the purchase of raw materials, and sales of products in an amount that exceeds 25% of the assets of the balance as of 01.01.2017, for the period up to 01.05.2018.
Authorize the signing of such contracts to the Chairman of the Board Yaglinsky VS